A downloadable game


This game is a Five Nights at Freddy's parody. While its not to be taken too seriously, the game includes jump scares and some horror elements. Do understand this!

Many reside within the new world and made themselves home upon arrival. Exploration led to settlement within the Natural Plains, and soon life expanded to the once ruined metropolis.

But not all lasted. A cheesy diner down the road with mechanical atrocities (and abominations) is going out of business. Unable to keep up with the times, it now waits, scheduled for demolition.

And that's where you come in! The lady in charge needs someone to look over the place, and she's hired you to do that for her. So get comfy in your chair, grab a nice cup of coffee, and prepare yourself for an easy-peasy pay.

...Is that robot moving, or am I just seeing things?

Situated in your security office (it's really just a cleared-out storage room,) you must last from 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. for five nights straight. However, the old animatronics are a little more than "just a robot." They're looking for a friend to play with, and you're in their sights!

You must keep them out of your room at all costs. I mean, there's really no telling what these things are capable of! Lock them out with a big security door that makes a loud noise, and peep around on the camera system for robots looking to break in. But be conservative with your power, because there's no telling what happens when the lights go out...

Bubbled - Creator, Designer, Main Programmer, Main Artist
fullmetalwolf - Animation Designer
worldTM, Joaopedrovilas - Coding Assistance
Bop__ - Character Designer

Special thanks to TheBlueSphere, Undermaker12, MagicalMadness, Omarion_YT4Realz, ASprout, worldTM, Bop__, mac_n_cheeseiscool

Development log

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